A Time to Leave?

“A perfect God has chosen to use imperfect churches to bring imperfect people to the perfect God.” So, how do we handle imperfect churches? And trust me, all are imperfect. I’ve been on staff at 5 churches, one that I planted, and none of them were all I yearned for. So let’s look at two questions: when might it be time to consider leaving a church, and how should we do it?

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The Evil in Here

Got up this Sunday AM, fried an egg, grabbed my coffee and opened up the AP news on my laptop, to find a random attack at a Detroit area splash pool. A 42 year old man randomly walked up, fired at least 28 rounds, wounding nine with one in critical condition. He calmly left for home, where police soon found him—killed by his own hand.Since 2001, terrorism and random shootings, international and domestic. seem to fill our news. We call that evil, as we should. Yet…

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Eternity in Our Minds

“Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.” Mostly true, isn’t it? Our default setting for life seems to be a relentless pursuit of keeping it, even if we know where we’re going. Why is that? I suspect God holds the responsibility, he placed “eternity in our hearts.” But we can easily get confused about that concept…

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Last Legs

Mick and I left the rest of the riders in Sisters Oregon and headed home. Mt. Shasta provided a motel room, then we rode together the next morning until he split off to Susanville, to return the bike he borrowed from his son-in-law. I headed to Placerville as the starting point to cruise along Hwy 49, through the Gold Rush towns scattered along the Sierra foothills. Windy roads, finding Mark Twain’s cabin (above pic), and exploring the funky towns made it delightful, but a long day of riding. To make the last leg easier, I planned on…

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God: Mystery and Certainty

Our perception of God drives our connection with him. View him as legalistic—rules and fear of failing will consume us. View him as gracious—we may take advantage and miss obedience. View him as distant, and we never discover intimacy. Understanding his nature motivated a long search, attempting to determine how he can be personal and immediate and simultaneously present in every cubic centimeter of the universe. Was he…

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Aspire or Achieve?

Gathered worship touches my soul, regularly. The message that challenges me to a deeper love and connection and obedience. The songs that move my emotions and spirit. Talking to fellow believers to connect with them before and after the worship time. Even the announcements. Honest, because they talk about the body of Christ doing body of Christ stuff. But I struggle, regularly, with some of the song lyrics. Not the volume, not the style, not too much repetition, but the lyrics. Why? They make me sing something as a reality that always isn’t. Just one example…

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Flawed Irony

About a week ago a FB friend posted, about how learning more made him more aware of how much he didn’t know. As an ornery contrarian, I semi-jokingly responded, “So learning leads to ignorance, right?” Thankfully, he got it, and we’re still friends. At the time though, I didn’t realize I had a similar post planned for this week, so let’s look at another angle of the principle…

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