Spiritual Situational Awareness
image from tacticalhyve.com
What we choose to immerse ourselves in will impact our actions, slowly change our values, and soon will drive our lives. So think with me, what surrounds our daily lives? What does that say about our values? Our overall life? Our desired destinations?
Too often
immersed in man’s innovation
my gaze limited by roof tops and tame, trimmed trees
crowded and seldom alone
busy giving hours to get desired but unneeded stuff
I grow proud and seek my deserved comfort and ease
the center of this world
Too seldom
immersed in God’s creation
the slabs of mountains
the shimmering aspen
the ponderosa pine rising in prayer
the multi-colored and –shaped stones
the trout darting in their watery world
the stream that scours away dirt and leaves clean rocks
that hold the words of God
the heat of day yielding to the cool of evening and the morning chill
the coffee pot and frying pan al fresco
the sleep, not on a PosturePedic bed, but one in a pickup truck
the warmth from gathering and splitting and burning the energy of the sun
I grow humble and seek to serve
in orbit around the creator
Long ago, a pastor friend Shane Womack pointed out the progression in the first three verses of Psalm 1, and it summarizes our topic of what influences we surround ourselves with, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers” (Psalm 1:1-3).
Go back to the opening lines of this post, about how we choose our interactive environment. We step into a spiritual danger zone when we predominantly walk with unbelievers and listen to their suggestions. The next step becomes more involved, we stand with then. Then comes the last stage, we sit down and share their position in life. Their values. And that damages our intimacy and interaction with God…we’ve allowed others to be our primary influence.
We’re not talking about not having friends who don’t believe, we need to interact and listen and converse. We’re not talking about having fun and being hermits. But who is changing whom? Whose values are being transmitted? With whom do we spend the bulk of our time? Does this interaction keep us from surrounding ourselves in God and his people?
Kick Starting the Application
Think of a continuum, from predominantly involved with God and his stuff, or predominantly involved with those who don’t believe. Look at your activities and friends, where do you fit in? Which group most influences your behavior and values? What changes to better balance your life might help?