image from Christian Publishing House
None would doubt Morgan’s love of Jesus. His depth of scripture knowledge powered his teaching in an adult Bible study, he served as an elder in an evangelical church, and loved to talk to unbelievers about God. But what began as a casual conversation opened a new dimension. Morgan told of a Hindu friend, a person as full of goodness as he had ever seen. He told Sager of Jesus, but Sager saw no need…he thought he was on the path already. My surprise came when Morgan said he couldn’t imagine a person as good as Sager as not going to heaven. Yes, we had some discussions about that as I shared John 14:6, that Jesus, as the Way, the Truth, and the Life was the only way to the Father, and Ephesians 2:8, that we are saved by grace through faith, not our works. “Yes, I believe that too, but I think Sager will meet me in heaven.”
Morgan shares a trait that many self-identified followers of Jesus have: not fully remaining in Jesus’ teaching. “Jesus said to the people who believed in him, ‘You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings’” (John 8:31). The word “remain” was used three weeks ago, on our need to continue in our relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord. It’s also translated as abide, hold to, continue, but this verse gives another trait we need to continue with: his word. His teachings. His Bible.
Many of us choose to ignore verses that we don’t like, and a recent Barna study provides the big picture. A 2021 study with the Cultural Research Center (link below) found that 69% of Americans identify as Christians. But 66% of them believe that having a faith is more important than which faith you have. 64% say all religions are of equal value. 58% believe, like Morgan, that if you’re good enough you’ll go to heaven. Sadly, our Lord disagrees with that: saying he’s the only way.
So, two steps to remain faithful to his teachings.
First, accept them as authoritative—words from the Creator himself. Value them. Use his commands as the foundation of determining right and wrong in your life. Don’t change them when they become uncomfortable—change yourself to match them. Get to know them by studying them, more than a surface reading. Ponder how they can impact your life. I use the line a lot, “God is real, and I’m not him.” He created us, the universe, and we can trust him to know the ultimate best way for us to live. His commands guide us into a spiritually abundant life.
Second, follow them. Wholeheartedly. Yes, that requires some difficult changes on our part, but keep in mind…who is God? I appreciate the New Living Translation of our key verse John 8:31, “You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings.” Yes, we will still sin. But do we sin less? Is our heart’s desire to live His life?
Kick Starting the Application
What is your main determiner of crafting your values? Your family, your preferences, your church, or God? Can you honestly say you cherish Jesus’ teachings and commands? How can you hold on more firmly to them?