I can provide new copies of all my books, except Not a Safe God. They can be personalized and autographed, only $10 which includes shipping. Just shoot me an email through the site. No PayPal yet, but coming sometime. You can also purchase used copies of my paperbacks on Amazon, at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=tim+riter. If you’re interested in an E book version, let me know and I might make them all digital if the interest is there.

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God, a Motorcycle, and the Open Road, April 2019, Harvest House

If you're a biker and a Christian, have you considered that riding can bring glory to God, draw you closer to His creation and provide an opportunity to share your faith with fellow riders? Discover what happens when a long-haired hippie biker strolls into a redneck bar, or how a chance encounter with an angry driver turns into a 20-mile chase, and more stories to show you how your faith blends into your riding.

Not a Safe God, 2006, B&H

Contemporary Christianity has focused so much on God’s goodness that perhaps we’ve forgotten he’s a lion. He’s not safe—not safe at all. He demands much of us and throws down the gauntlet to the fatal disease of complacency that has infected us. We’ve made God comfortable. But if we take him seriously, he’ll overturn our current lifestyles (only available as a free pdf).

12 Lies Wives Tell Their Husbands, 2005, Cook

The perfect book for every wife who’s said, “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just FINE.” Exploring the most common miscommunications of wives, this book will help wives communicate more clearly with their husbands.

12 Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives, 2005, Cook

The perfect book for every husband who’s said, “I’m sorry. I won’t do that again.” Exploring the most common miscommunications of husbands, this book will help men communicate more clearly with their wives.

12 Lies You Hear in Church, 2004, Cook

We often hear ideas that sound right because they contain some truth. But these partial truths can lead to inaccurate assumptions about faith and keep us from growing spiritually. This book reveals some of the most common fallacies while providing the Scriptural references that can liberate you to embrace God and to be fully engaged in becoming more like Him.

12 Lies You Hear about the Holy Spirit, 2004, Cook

What have you heard about the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit, and does speaking in tongues always come along? This book outlines the twelve most common misconceptions about the Holy Spirit from a non- but not anti-charismatic approach.

Just Leave God Out of It, 2004, Cook

We struggle to not absorb some of the world's values, and can make compromises that squeeze godly values out of sight. Just Leave God Out Of It helps readers take a closer look at ideas such as pluralism, tolerance and political correctness, and reveal the hidden, spiritual dangers that exist when God disappears from our system of right and wrong.

A Passionate Pursuit of God, 1999, IVP

This book examines the God who can meet all our needs, and how knowing this God intimately is worth pursuing with all the passion we possess.

Strong Enough to be a Man, 2005, Beacon Hill

Confusion about male and female identities and natures bombard us, with men viewed either as macho egoists or ignorant simpletons unable to understand women or meet their needs. Strong Enough to Be a Man addresses the issue of unhealthy masculinity and offers a model of authentic character and intimacy with God that transcends the world’s definition of manhood.

Deep Down, 1995, Tyndale

Do you long for deep-seated joy, even in difficulties? Peace, even when life leaves you frazzled? Patience and self control when you want to explode? Deep Down shows that real change happens with internally with character change.