
Quite a popular bumper sticker lately, particularly in our relativistic age which encompasses many paths to God. Some take it to mean coexist peacefully, disagree without killing one another. I support that. But if it means, “God is too big to fit into one place,” equating all belief systems, then I take issue.

Easter is the reason.

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When Demons Danced

Events aren’t always what they seem. A brief snapshot out of time cannot include what comes next, the rest of the story. We judge single happenings too quickly, in our shortsightedness and finitude. This concept hit me last fall, and I’ve waited to share this until now, maybe it can impact how we view the events that followed Palm Sunday by five days….

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Do Words Matter?

I’ve seen this post multiple times, and can’t express how profoundly these words offend me. The purpose, often put up by people whom I know love Jesus, attempt to justify bad and offensive language by leaders and ourselves, and this can be from both political persuasions. However, this Unconventional rant is NOT political—but spiritual. The question: do Churchill’s words represent or oppose how Jesus and the Bible view words?

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A Higher Perspective

Over a year ago I flew from San Diego to Anchorage, Alaska for a dear friend’s wedding, with my preferred aisle seat to look below, and I gained a new perspective on much of the country that I’d ridden motorcycles through. I recognized many landmarks, but saw the big picture of our world much better. The higher perspective stunned me frankly, I thought I knew that area pretty well. Then a childhood friend, Susan Munson, shared a post on Facebook about a happy face formed in a forest in Oregon. Here’s the story.

Some time back…

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Mean People Suck

While driving on a traffic-engorged freeway, a red Honda Civic cut in front of me so close I had to slam on my brakes to keep my F150 from ramming him. Yeah, likely lost a number of miles of tread with the skid, but he would have paid a high price apart from that braking. And I got close enough to read the sticker on his window: “Mean People Suck.” Honestly, the humor of the hypocrisy mellowed my madness somewhat. Somewhat. It seemed like…

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Garden Walking

Just what does it mean to “follow” Jesus? Not long ago, for many it just meant being an American. That day is done. Obeying God? That’s important, but being good is not good enough. Telling people you follow? That expression is crucial, but not central. Going to church? Nope, going to church makes you no more of a Christian than going into a barn makes you a horse. Years back I came across a verse that began a change process in me. Jesus proclaimed…

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