When God Pushes

Jesus last words to his followers commanded them to make disciples of all nations. Disciples make disciples. Seems pretty obvious, doesn’t it? But let’s reverse engineer that process by examining how Jesus describes a disciple. We can’t make disciples if we’re unclear about the goal. Remember, the Son of God has the authority to...

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The American Dream

Two pieces of literature, the novel The Great Gatsby and the play Death of a Salesman, examine the American dream, from opposite directions. Gatsby achieved it, and died. Willie Loman never achieved it, and died. Investopedia describes the dream as “anyone, regardless of where they were born or their socio-economic status, can attain their own version of success.”

But merely a fine line divides the Dream from...

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Six Days of Creation

Our geology “series” began with me kind of getting what I asked for: a basic geology text--but graduate level, Annals of the Former World by John McPhee. Here’s the next episode, as McPhee explores the six days of creation. Take a look at the pic, from the Enchantment Resort in Sedona, as we enjoyed a Happy Hour gazing at this cliff face from the restaurant’s outside patio. Count the strata if you dare, 100 or more. Then, realize that each layer was laid down by an ocean moving in, dropping material, often sand, then receding. Over 100 times. And at various points, all was below the surface of the water. Somewhat boggles the mind, does it not? And what we see as layers was all under the surface—until erosion.

McPhee tells of...

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A Changing Rider

About a month ago, Unconventional examined Our Changing World, using roads as a metaphor on deeper societal issues. But not only do roads change, but riders do. For most of our Gray Hog rides, we had a long first day just to reach the main part of our ride. 650 miles became typical, sometimes more. At age 70 I began one of our long trips to Canada with an Iron Butt ride, 1080 miles in 16 hours…before heading into Canada. And for the three of us in SoCal, to beat the morning traffic, we’d have to wake up early to get on the road by 4 AM. And we loved it! The challenge, the break from the routine of work brought joy. A fine accomplishment.

Then in 2022...

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Why Are We Here?

Hints of God appear everywhere, sometimes even in Parade magazine. Marilyn vos Savant, whom Guinness proclaims as having the highest recorded IQ score, responded in her column to a question from a Mensa member, “Why are we here?”

Savant replied, “I think it depends on your spiritual beliefs. If you have a religion, it provides the answer. But if you don't believe in a god, the question contradicts your thinking. Having a reason implies having a purpose, which...

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Be Careful of What You Ask For

Driving with Dad up Highway 395, along the imposing eastern face of the Sierra Nevada mountains, seeing their peaks piercing the sky, their almost plumb plummet from the crest to the valley floor, and exposed granite, intrigued me. Yeah, “God created it all,” but the how did more than puzzle—it astounded. Some decades later a good friend, Dick Markano, a UCLA geology grad, led a group from our church into the Sierra backcountry, and an unintended geology lesson emerged with my questioning. That tantalized me, and I yearned to take a night course on basic geology. Yet that desire was too far down the priority list to punch through into action.

Then, almost by chance...

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Worship's Courage

Some wit once compared the church to Noah’s ark, we couldn’t stand the conditions inside if it weren’t for those outside. That haunts me. Research reveals that over half of self-identified Christians have no connection with a larger group of followers—meaning we may have more Christians outside the church than inside. A number of my friends and family, once deeply involved in a local body, have chosen to stop. The church that Jesus died to create.

Maybe we need to explore the best reason to...

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Changing Times

I pulled out of Lone Pine at 7 AM, hoping to get the 240 miles home to Temecula before the traffic congealed into an unholy mess. Not long after, a road sign announced a welcomed passing lane ahead, that alleviated concerns about some slow trucks clogging the lane.

But the promised passing lane soon proved to be closed for construction, yet with none in sight. So I looked around and spotted heavy construction off to the right, just north of Olancha. Turns out Cal Trans has decided to change the route to bypass the entire Olancha area. I guess that will help the traffic flow, which is nice, but will likely kill...

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